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Selectmen Minutes February 2, 2004
The weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday evening, February 2, 2004 at 7:30 p.m.
Present: James M. Hardy, Chairman; Eric W. Greene, Clerk; David L. Walsh
George Samia, Interim Executive Secretary
Karen Grabau, Adm. Assistant
M/Greene, s/Walsh, a unanimous vote, move to approve the minutes of the January 26, 2004 meeting.
M/Greene, s/Walsh, a unanimous vote, move to approve the schedule for the Special and Annual Town Meetings as follows:
February 3 Notification to all departments
March 31 Deadline to submit articles to Selectmen
April 1- 20 Articles review by Finance Committee, Treasurer,
Town Counsel, Accountant and Selectmen
April 20 Warrant closed and approved by Selectmen
April 21 Deadline to submit Warrant to Town Clerk
April 26 Last date to post warrant
April 22 Copy of articles available for distribution
May 3 Meet with Town Clerk, Moderator, etc. to go over Warrant
May 10, 7:00 p.m. Special Town Meeting, Middle School Auditorium
February 3 Notification to all departments
March 31 Deadline to submit articles to Selectmen
April 1-12 Article review by Finance Committee, Treasurer,
Town Counsel, Accountant and Selectmen
April 12 Joint Meeting with Selectmen, Moderator, Finance Committee, Accountant, Treasurer, Town Clerk, Town
Counsel, Interim Executive Secretary to finalize articles
April 20 Warrant closed and approved by Selectmen
April 28 Deadline to submit Warrant to Town Clerk
May 3 Last date to post Warrant
May 3 Meet with Town Clerk, Moderator, etc. to go over Warrant
May 10, 7:30 p.m. Annual Town Meeting, Middle School Auditorium
Board of Selectmen -2- February 2, 2004
Board requested that the schedule for the Town Meetings be placed on the Website. Asked that the dates to meet with Town Clerk and Town Moderator be confirmed with them.
Public Hearing
Mr. Greene read the following notification of Public Hearing:
A Public Hearing will be held at the Town Hall, Main Conference Room, First Floor, 175 Central Street, East Bridgewater on Monday evening, February 2, 2004, at 7:35 p.m. regarding the petition of MASSACHUSETTS ELECTRIC COMPANY for temporary pole line installation of facilities to provide electric power to a sewerage pump for Harmony Crossing Subdivision.
Mr. Hardy opened the Public Hearing at 7:35 p.m.
Doris Phillips, Engineer, Massachusetts Electric, explained that poles and lines are needed to supply electricity to a temporary sewerage pumping station for new over 55 community, Harmony Crossing, until the subdivision is completed; poles will be placed on Folsom Avenue.
Mr. Hardy closed hearing at 7:40 p.m.
M/Greene, s/Walsh, a unanimous vote, move to approve the placing of temporary pole line and Poles 8 & 9 on Folsom Avenue to provide electric power to a sewage pump for Harmony Crossing Subdivision.
M/Greene, s/Walsh, a unanimous vote, move to approve the renewal of the Audit Services Contract with Thevenin, Lynch, Bienvenue, LLP for the years ending June 30, 2004, 2005 and 2006.
A discussion was held on the annual fee for the audit. Mr. Samia explained that the increase was caused by the services needed for GASB34 and the Schedule A work.
Mr. Greene requested that a copy of the GASB34 report be given to the Board members.
Budget Presentations were presented with computer-generated views on cable and on screen in meeting room, through efforts of Terry Aicardi, Local Access Director.
Finance Committee members, Albert Mondeau, Anthony Costello, Sally Feeney and Eric Glaas met with the Board for budget presentations.
Mr. Samia gave an update on the Budget Process to date.
Town Accountant Budget
Mr. Samia explained that as his office is small, with 97% of his budget being payroll and 3% expenses, the only way to level fund with contractual increases was to cut all expense items. Only other way to level fund would be a reduction in staff or staff work hours.
Noted that the Assistant Town Accountant will be retiring June 30, 2005. Also explained the Sick Day buy-back.
Mr. Costello noted that the contractual benefits are 10% of the budget and this needs to be looked at in the next contract negotiation period.
Board of Selectmen -3- February 2, 2004
Board of Selectmen’s Budget
Mr. Samia went over the various line items that fall under the control of the Selectmen.
Personal Services – salaries controlled by negotiated contract and Personnel By-Laws. Able to reduce without loss of staff.
Expenses – no changes
Town Counsel – Mr. Samia noted that the Board has not voted to renew contract – Counsel is working at will based on last contract.
Local Access Director – Mr. Hardy noted that the Access Corporation would pick up 2/3 of salary this year, as School has eliminated this from their budget.
Town Hall Maintenance
Telephone – Mr. Walsh questioned the NEXTEL billing, which includes all cell phones for Tree/Highway Dept., Executive Secretary, Treasurer, Accountant, Assessors, etc.; requested copy of bill. It was noted that Mr. Savino was working on a reduction in the bill with NEXTEL
Heating Oil/Gas – Mr. Hardy suggested that they may have to look into curtailing the building use and lowering heat and air conditioning; noted that they need to look at list of days building used; could limit use to certain days and any group using building on a different day would need to change to days the building is opened. Asked that list be compiled. Mr. Walsh suggested that they look into whether we can get into school’s consortium.
Grounds & Building, Repairs – Elevator, Repairs – Equipment – was funded this past year by town meeting vote, through funds in Painting Town Hall line; noted that this funding will not last much longer; will need to look at refunding of these lines by next year.
Town Wide Insurance – Mr. Samia explained that our agent has informed him that we should figure on a 5% increase in both Property & Liability and Workers compensation.
Mrs. Grabau explained several Workers Compensation cases under the previous insurer, when town was self-insured; noted that this year we had to put additional money into the workers compensation line, as the amount originally voted only covered the premium and did not take into account the persons under self-insured.
Print Town Report – Mr. Greene stated that he felt this could be reduced by ½; is working on printing information.
Town wide Gasoline – Mr. Walsh requested a copy of the bill from Wright Express; felt that there may be a way to save dollars.
Other General Expenses
SERSG – Mr. Samia explained that town is part of consortium and that this pays the town’s portion of salary, etc. Through the consortium bids are done for Public Works supplies and the town saves by being part of a larger purchasing group.
Town Audit – increased per new contract
Legal Library – used to purchase updates on disc
Board of Selectmen -4- February 2, 2004
Copier Expense – cost of maintenance agreements and copy paper; Mr. Walsh noted that it may be more cost efficient to rent rather than purchase equipment; asked that cost of copy paper from Staples vs. State bid be looked at.
Sealer – no changes
Civil Defense – part of Police Chief’s contract
Dog Officer – salaries per contract
Expenses – most of this is for Campbell’s where pound is
Field Inspector and Fence Viewer – still on books; neither person puts in for stipend
Street Lighting – Left the same; should finish year without need of putting additional funds into line.
Animal Inspector – Salary – no change
Expense – mostly for disposal of animals
Mr. Hardy felt that Board should meet either on an alternate night or during the day to discuss their budgets and how they should proceed. A date will be set later.
COA Vacancies – 3 - Deadline for submission of letters of interest – February 20
Board Discussion
Mr. Hardy requested that next agenda carry Discussion Item to set date for Board to
review Selectmen’s Budget.
1. Copy of letter from Public Records Division to Forrest Emery re: appeal of Town’s response for public records, upheld Town’s response.
2. Letter from Habitat for Humanity re: Northville school property; looking at possible donation of land for their use.
3. Letter re: Eagle Scout Award Ceremony – Mr. Hardy will attend.
4. Grievance letter from Police Association; Board agreed to set Executive Session at 6:30 p.m. if agreeable with Association and Town Counsel.
Mr. Greene noted that Regional School Committee members had received letters concerning a meeting with those towns questioning the formula for town contributions. Plans to attend meeting.
Open Forum
No one was present
Mr. Walsh thanked Rep. Teahen and Sen. Lynch for their assistance to the Sewerage Committee.
M/Greene, s/Walsh, a unanimous vote, move to adjourn meeting at 9:55 p.m.
Board of Selectmen